“Devshil Trade” Vegetable Fabrication and Trade LLC has founded in 1958 called as Amgalan State Farm. We have purchased winter glass house in 6 hectares of field from Netherland and planting vegetables as cucumber and tomato.
We used to plant seed of Enza Zaden Export B.V Company ofHolland and importing Irrigation drip system from Metzerplas and Naandanjian Irrigation Companies of Israel and minerals from Haifa Chemicalis Company, for plantation of cucumber and tomato. Also we’re using mountain soil and manure of cattle of Mongolia as main fertilizer.
Our company has to reap the harvest between every March and November then manage the trade to the market place. We are unparalleled in the industrial in Mongolia and we were exported potato in years of 1982-1984 and tomato and cucumber in years of 1984-1992 to Russian Federation. Our name and logo as “Devshil Trade” has renowned brand in Mongolian market.
We have dedicated transplanting greenhouse where we plant green goods. Also, our professional specialists could do maintenance work of modern and advanced technologies of glass house without any outsourced assistance.
Superior managers of the company:
General director: Munkhbaatar.D
Executive director: Bolormaa.B
Address: Sonsgolon, 20th khoroo, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar-37, Mongolia
Tel: 976-70175090
Fax: 976-70175090
Mobile phone: 88115005, 99114776
Cucumber & benefits.
Fresh vegetables especially the cucumber is highly beneficial to human body. 95%-98% of cucumber is water which is enough to provide water demand of the body. Remaining 3-4 percent is dry substances in content of cucumber. Content extracted as: sugar-2%, portain-0.1%, fat-0.1%, celloluse-0.7% and mineral salt-0.4%. Various minerals of cucumber such as phosphorus, Kali, calcium, sulfur, magnum, sodium, iron, silicon chloride, alumni, copperand zincs are useful to improve immune system, scouring, extraversion of interior poisoning, purify the blood, support functions of heart/kidney and also have great influence to skin beauty.
– Cucumber is commonly used in skin care products as it reduces dryness and ageing of skin by richen the tissue with moisture.
– 100gr cucumber contains 12kcal nutrition. Therefore it is the main food for those who losing weight.
– Scientists are found phytosterol and terpene from cucumber which are the preventive elements from cancer.
– Slice of cucumber can destroy oral bacteria at tract.
– One of the content of cucumber, the silicon has effect to enroot hair and nails and restore the color.
– Sliver of cucumber which stored in the refrigerator can release the eyes tension and refresh immediately after putting on eyes for 5-7 minutes.
– And also it is helpful to relief the pain when put it on painful area or bitten by insects.
– Are you suffering from hangover pain or seriously bad headache? Eat some cucumber and sleep you’ll wake up as fully restored. Cucumber contains sufficient glucose, Vitamin B, electrolyte to restore essential minerals lost from the body and tissue to keep balance in human body, to prevent from hangover pain or relief headache.
– Are you exhausted and no time to go massage salons? Cut a cucumber and put into boiling water. When nutritious substances of cucumber react with the boiling water, it produces soft smelling steams which reduce fatigue of nursing and university students who preparing for exam.
Tomato should be the daily food as it is a source of vitamins. Tomato is concentrated with glucose, fructose and citric acid. Also it contains vast of carotene, Vitamin А, Е, РР, Н, В С, B6, calcium, magnum, phosphorus, chloride, iodine, manganese and iron. It is useful to weight lose by gives feeling like a full as it contains quantity of protein. Tomato’s best advantage is its miniature cholesterol content.
Tomato has important role in our healthy life. However, we used to call it vegetable but it is a fruit. Tomato has contains Lycopene which is the most essential or renowned substance in removal of poisons or toxic substances from human body and experts are approved that this substance is preventive from progress of cancer cells and have strong resistance against physical disorder. Because that Lycopene has not given to human body in naturally, so we have to digest this substance through foods. Even other vegetables or fruits are contains this substance either, not like high amount as it is in tomato. Recent researches are publicity the more benefits of this incredible fruit as it prevent from heart disease and cancer and efficient to remove cholesterol. Besides using a tomato in daily food, drinking 500ml of tomato juice will gives you full benefit of Lycopene. In other word, you can take such benefits by drinking a glass of tomato juice daily.
– Vitamin A and C are more contained in tomato and it affects to improvement of day and night sight. Recent researches tell that the influence of vitamins in content of tomato prevents from ophthalmic disease.
– Tomato is most effective fruit against prostate cancer as published on medical journal of National Cancer Institute. Also it contributes to reduce cancer risk including stomach cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, laryngeal cancer, colon cancer and ovarian cancer because of high concentration of antioxidant in tomato.
– Lycopene and antioxidants are protects skin from sunray. Also it is helpful to use to reduce acne. You can try to wipe your skin with slice of tomato.
– Tomato is good to blood. Pregnant women should drink daily the pure tomato juice as they are more risky to sick with anemia. Also, an especial substance called chrome is in content of tomato and which is served to balance the blood sugar amount.
– Tomato relaxes our body. If you’re suffering from insomnia, eating a tomato will help you to have sound sleep. This fruit supports serotina which willinspire your emotions and reduce stress. Iron and Kali components are positively affects to heart to prevent from heart disease control the function of metabolism.
– Tomato serves against bacteria. It heals gastric ulcer and other digestive diseases and used to scouring.
Inside of Green-House
Бид үрслэгээний тусгай зориулалтын хүлэмжтэй ба уг хүлэмжиндээ шинэ ургацын үрслэгээгээ бойжуулж тариалалтаа хийдэг. Үйлдвэрлэлийн технологоо сүүлийн үеийн дэвшилтэт техник технологоор тоноглон шилэн хүлэмжнийхээ засвар үйлчилгээг хийдэг.
Outside of Green-House
Бид үрслэгээний тусгай зориулалтын хүлэмжтэй ба уг хүлэмжиндээ шинэ ургацын үрслэгээгээ бойжуулж тариалалтаа хийдэг. Үйлдвэрлэлийн технологоо сүүлийн үеийн дэвшилтэт техник технологоор тоноглон шилэн хүлэмжнийхээ засвар үйлчилгээг хийдэг.
Bayangol District, 2nd khoroo, Enkh-Taivan avenue -51, Start Center
Bayangol district, 20th khoroo, Sonsgolon, Ulaanbaatar-37